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Omega 是美國知名品牌,於1985年已開創高品質果汁機。近年推出之高速攪拌機及多功能慢磨果汁機令商業用戶及家庭用戶拍案叫絕!而多功能慢磨果汁機除可榨蔬果及草汁外亦具備乾磨及製作麪條功能,更可自製甜品、雪芭等等。另外 Omega 亦推出乾果機,方便消費者可自製又健康又美味乾果小食。


Since 1985, the American well-known brand, Omega, has been supplying the world with a complete series of juicers, blenders and other kitchen equipments. The products of Omega, high-speed blender and low-speed juicer, are designed tough and powerful for commercial use, whilst its elegance and compactness could feature prominently in any home kitchen. Not just for juicing, Omega low-speed juicer extrudes pasta, grinds coffee, minces herbs and also makes desserts and sorbet; altogether with Omega’s dehydrator, you can make the healthy and yummy snack, juice and food at any time you want.

11 件產品 Item(s)
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Omega 多用途乾果機(5層)
型號 Model: OM-DH5002 TGW
網上價 HK$3688
會員價 HK$3504