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iNNOTEC 是西進最先建立的自家品牌,本著用簡易的方法為家居生活提供舒適的環境。iNNOTEC 首先推出冷風機,其獨特的運水式冷風設計,獲得一致好評;之後推出陶瓷暖氣機,使用既安全又不乾燥,是冬季你的最佳伴侶。期後推出之迷你洗衣機、乾衣機、吸塵機、音響系列及個人護理系列,深受一眾用戶歡迎;季節性產品亦推出放濕及不同型號之抽濕機,以供客戶選購;另外,iNNOTEC 亦將商業用途的蒸氣掛燙機引入家用市場,並推出不同型號之蒸氣掛燙機,有迷你版及專業型的設計,切合不同人士的需要。iNNOTEC 的產品一向以領先市場品質優異而聞名。於同類產品中,是用家的優先選擇!今後將陸續發展更多不同類型產品,滿足消費者不同需要!


Established in 1998, iNNOTEC, the earliest private label of Premier, is born to create a cozy living environment for everyone. Its debut product, Air Cooler, received excellent acclaimed by users for its unique built-in ionizer function which purifies the air while sending cool and fresh air. Since its first success gained from that, iNNOTEC has been enriching people’s living by introducing a set of products, including ceramic heater, mini washing machine, clothes dryer, vacuum cleaner, audio equipment and personal skin care products. Transformed the commercial grade garment steamer and introduced to consumers. It is another remarkable achievement by iNNOTEC, which manifests that, as a pioneer in the industry, iNNOTEC always think for your needs before you recognize it.

82 件產品 Item(s)
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iNNOTEC 充電毛毛頸巾
型號 Model: IH-3723
網上價 HK$398
會員價 HK$318
iNNOTEC 多功能無線吸塵機
型號 Model: IV-3839
網上價 HK$2388
會員價 HK$2148
iNNOTEC 無線手提風扇
型號 Model: IC-3783
網上價 HK$238
會員價 HK$198
iNNOTEC 預熱電暖氈
型號 Model: IH-3826
網上價 HK$698
會員價 HK$498
iNNOTEC 無線座枱風扇
型號 Model: IC-3838
網上價 HK$398
會員價 HK$368
iNNOTEC 迷你冷風機
型號 Model: IC-3780
網上價 HK$498
會員價 HK$398
iNNOTEC 手提蒸燙機
型號 Model: IS-3797
網上價 HK$658
會員價 HK$498
iNNOTEC 無線2合1夾扇
型號 Model: IC-3850
網上價 HK$298
會員價 HK$238
iNNOTEC 無線吸塵掃把
型號 Model: IV-3748
網上價 HK$498
會員價 HK$398
iNNOTEC 迷你空氣清新機
型號 Model: IA-3711A
網上價 HK$298
會員價 HK$238